获取指定单元格地址: 输入公式:=CELL("address",B2) 获取活动单元格地址: 输入公式:=CELL("address") CELL函数的第二参数不写,返回当前活动单元格的地址。 获取区域中左上角单元格的地址: 输入公式:=CELL("address",A2:C6) CELL函数的第二参数为区域,返回区域中左上角单元格的地址。 word excel ppt从入门...
Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following CELL examples would return: =CELL("col", A1)Result:1 =CELL("address", A2)Result:"$A$2" =CELL("format", A2)Result:"P2" Advertisement
=ADDRESS(1,1)- returns the address of the first cell (i.e. the cell at the intersection of the first row and first column) as an absolute cell reference $A$1. =ADDRESS(1,1,4)- returns the address of the first cell as a relative cell reference A1. In the following table, you ...
Method 1 – Get Cell Value Using ADDRESS Function Steps: Go to cellD4and insert the following formula: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(10,2)) This video cannot be played because of a technical error.(Error Code: 102006) PressEnterand this will find the item that you are looking for. ...
How to Return Cell Address Instead of Value in Excel Steps In cellE5, enter this formula: =MATCH("Alisa",$B$5:$B$10,0) PressEnter. This gives therow numberof the cell containing the value. For the column number, choose cellE8and enter: ...
取与活动单元格相同行的A列单元格的值赋值给当前单元格。其中:cell("row")表示获取活动单元格的行号 column(A3)表示获取A3单元格的列好 Address表示取得第一个参数行第二个参数列单元格的地址 indirect表示获取其参数表示的单元格的值 你的公式有个问题就是column后面多了个空格,需要去掉 ...
cell("row")得到当前公式行的行号 Column(A3)得到A3的相对列号,然后用Address求出上面两个函数得到的行列号的地址=$A$13这样的格式。最后再由Indirect引用上面这个地址的值。
Excel CELL and ADDRESS functions help The following function gives a VALUE! error =+CELL("content",G3) The cell G3 contains $C$3 which is the output of an ADDRESS function. Should this work?
I know I'm doing something dumb. I have a vector of row numbers. I can use them and column numbers in the ADDRESS function to return Excell addresses containing a number I want to get, e.g., ADDRESS(P4,13) returns $M$722. (P4 is the cell that contains the number 722, in the...