获取指定单元格地址: 输入公式:=CELL("address",B2) 获取活动单元格地址: 输入公式:=CELL("address") CELL函数的第二参数不写,返回当前活动单元格的地址。 获取区域中左上角单元格的地址: 输入公式:=CELL("address",A2:C6) CELL函数的第二参数为区域,返回区域中左上角单元格的地址。 word excel ppt从入门...
Cell Value by Address.xlsm Related Articles How to Use Cell Address in Excel Formula How to Return Cell Address of Match in Excel How to Copy Cell Address in Excel << Go Back toExcel ADDRESS Function|Excel Functions|Learn Excel
The cell ADDRESS Function[1]is categorized under ExcelLookup and Reference functions. It will provide a cell reference (its “address”) by taking the row number and column letter. The cell reference will be provided as a string of text. The function can return an address in a relative or...
Read More:Excel VBA to Find Cell Address Based on Value How to Return Cell Address Instead of Value in Excel Steps In cellE5, enter this formula: =MATCH("Alisa",$B$5:$B$10,0) PressEnter. This gives therow numberof the cell containing the value. ...
Excel ADDRESS function - syntax and basic uses The ADDRESS function is designed to get a cell address in Excel based on the specified row and column numbers. A cell address is returned as a text string, not an actual reference. The function is available in all versions of Excel for Micros...
The syntax for the CELL function in Microsoft Excel is: CELL( type, [range] ) Parameters or Arguments type The type of information that you'd like to retrieve for the cell.typecan be one of the following values: ValueExplanation "address"Address of the cell. If the cell refers to a ra...
cell("row")得到当前公式行的行号 Column(A3)得到A3的相对列号,然后用Address求出上面两个函数得到的行列号的地址=$A$13这样的格式。最后再由Indirect引用上面这个地址的值。
取与活动单元格相同行的A列单元格的值赋值给当前单元格。其中:cell("row")表示获取活动单元格的行号 column(A3)表示获取A3单元格的列好 Address表示取得第一个参数行第二个参数列单元格的地址 indirect表示获取其参数表示的单元格的值 你的公式有个问题就是column后面多了个空格,需要去掉 ...
Find the Address of first cell in range in Excel. ROW & COLUMN function returns the row & column of the first cell. Address of first cell in range