Well, it does. I have a Powerstar 8. Or, at least, I have something that is DC driven with a DIN connector on the base that for all intents and purposes is a Powerstar, even if it was sold as a Super C8+. I have to assume that it's a very early sale and maybe was...
Super C8 / C8+ from the 80s (note ribbed rear cell and the unique declination circles). These may have a Byers AC drive. https://www.astromar...elescope-292972 https://www.cloudyni...-super-c8-plus/ Celestron Classic 8 from early to mid 90s: (ribbed cell, lightweight fork, singl...
Cigarette plug and red/white light are super handy, too.I tested it at 0 degrees C session for 8 full hours, it supplied both the Evo mount and dew heater strips for C8 tube , Nexstar controller and diagonal at the same time. After 8 hours battery was down only one half of its ...
Serial # 856157 C8 Powerstar, but the manual says Super C8 or C8+, so I'm not actually sure which it is. I don't have the original paperwork with me but it was purchased in 1990 at American Science Center in Chicago. I noticed another C8 with very close serial purchased at the sam...
Here is my C8 i picked up tis weekend. It's a Tuthill Super C8 made around 1980 or 81. #207 jzeiders Viking 1 Posts: 638 Joined: 07 Nov 2012 Loc: SF Bay Area Posted 12 August 2014 - 01:33 AM i have an older C-8. It was originally that velvet orange with a funky grey...
“Celestron chose not to use their gold standard Schmidt Cassegrain, as it was slow at f/10 and didn't really meet the the requirements they were looking for”. I wonder if they actually configured Origin using a C6/C8 SCT (which would probably have lowered the overall cost), would that...
Back in the 80's thru just a while back i had much better luck with Meade SCT's. My all time best SCT's were a 1984 C8 and a 2002 C5. But i had way more soft or lack luster Celestron SCT's vs Meades. Meade seemed to have hit the sweet spot with optics on the mid and lat...
Once I get that C8 deforked and a dovetail on it, I'll be able to expand my usage of the LX65 even further. Personally I'm glad someone finally put a capable affordable mount out like the LX65... it's been a long time needed!
i know this thread is a little old but maybe you can give me some advice to get my C8 Nexstar Evolution running. I am using PHD2 Guiding with an 240mm guide scope. What accuracies do you get with your mounts and what are your guide settings?
Type 7, the black tube Super C5 Plus was from the late 1983/1984 era, not the 1990’s. Production was ceased prior to the 1986 Comet Halley appearance, to allocate more production capacity to the more profitable C8, that also was in much higher demand. ...