Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999) The Celestials existed before the Big Bang and before the six singularities. Arishem and the other Celestials created the universe as well as the building blocks of life. According to Arishem, the Celestials are the driving force of creation in the universe...
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Celestials appeared in the shared continuity setting. In Guardians of the Galaxy, Knowhere was shown which was described in the live-action film as being the severed head of a Celestial being. After acquiring the Infinity Stone, the Collector gave a back...
The Celestials appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, mostly in the Guardians of the Galaxy series, but have more recently appeared in Eternals. In the 2014 film Guardians of the Galaxy, a Celestial being known as Eson the Searcher was briefly shown using the power of an Infinity Stone to...
introduced the title team and expanded a bit more on their creators, the Celestials, but after the big reveal of them not being the only ones in the universe, how many more Eternals (and Celestials) are in theMarvel Cinematic Universe? Although the original Avengers line-up is no longer ar...
In any event, new images of the Celestials as seen in the new Marvel Cinematic Universe film have arrived online thanks to EternalsTalks, delivering a look at three of the larger than life beings in the movie. In the pages of Marvel Comics, the Celestials created the Eternals as an ...
As the Marvel Cinematic Universe prepares to kick off a new era of expansion withEternals, it's no surprise that Marvel would want the race ofHomo immortalisas intricately connected with its wider universe as possible, even at the detriment of shifting established continuity. The MCU itself seems...
Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have long wondered what movies would come in Phase 4, but Marvel Studios has held off on revealing those plans. This changed at SDCC as Marvel returned to Hall H to announce their entire plans for Phase 4 of the MCU. Unlike past Phases, this one ...
Rumors are swirling thatNightmarewill make his Marvel Cinematic Universe debutinDoctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, and this issue shows just how formidable a foe he can be-one capable of rewriting reality itself. Next:Doctor Strange Almost Drove Galactus Mad ...