我们将创建的celery对象app导入,然后在tasks文件中写任务函数,并用app.task作为装饰器给任务函数使用。task后面不用加括号 我们如何去发现我们写的任务呢,我们在主程序中调用自动发现任务的方法,指定任务的路径。任务的路径就写到tasks文件的目录就可以,它就会自动找到这个目录下对应的tasks文件中app.task装饰的函数。 ...
在celery.py文件中,可以定义需要异步执行的任务。例如,定义一个名为long_running_task的任务: 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 @app.task def long_running_task(x, y): # 这里执行耗时的操作 return x + y 启动Celery工人: 在命令行中,进入项目目录并运行以下命令以启动Celery工人:...
[2019-10-09 18:24:32,001: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: webapp.main.tasks.long_task[6dec5d07-3ab8-4a8d-8e10-f28b8eb1b21e] [2019-10-09 18:24:32,563: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: webapp.main.tasks.long_task[49f5c67d-9636-4aaf-bbd9-7a40c45c535d] [2019-10-09 18:24:...
I encountered the same issue in Project A, where setting the visibility timeout to over 4 hours seemed ineffective; long-running tasks repeated every hour. However, when I set the visibility timeout to 1 minute, it seemed to take effect again. Eventually, I discovered that it might be beca...
Task 编写:在tasks.py中定义任务函数,并使用@shared_task装饰器将其标记为 Celery 任务。这里的long_running_task是一个模拟长时间运行的任务,通过time.sleep来模拟任务的耗时操作。 通过合理配置 Celery,我们可以确保任务的执行效率和稳定性。同时,编写任务代码时需要注意任务的幂等性和错误处理,确保在任务失败时可以...
from celery import Celery app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://localhost:6379/0') @app.task def long_running_task(): import time time.sleep(20) # 模拟长时间运行的任务 return "Task completed" # 使用apply_async方法异步执行任务,并设置time_limit为10秒 result = long_running_task.apply_asy...
Hello, @the-wondersmith ! I found some issue in your pool (and in celery-pool-asyncio it is same): Long running tasks blocked pool (?) and Kombu don't sending AMQP heartbeats till task completed. Regular heartbeats looks like: [2023-04-2...
Background Tasks with CeleryIf your application has a long running task, such as processing some uploaded data or sending email, you don’t want to wait for it to finish during a request. Instead, use a task queue to send the necessary data to another process that will run the task in...
* My Experiences with A Long-Running Celery-Based Microprocess 根据与需要很长时间才能完成工作的 Celery 工人的经验,提供了一些很好的技巧和建议。 * Checklist to build great Celery async tasks 是一个专门设计的站点,旨在为您提供在设计任务队列配置和部署到开发、暂存和生产环境时要遵循的良好实践列表。