Celebrity Apex®, the second ship in our revolutionary Edge® Series, is a Forbes Travel Guide Four-Star Rated resort at sea. With an innovative outward-facing design and visionary spaces that stand apart from anything else at sea (with the exception of her equally stunning sisters, Celebrit...
From the soaring Magic Carpet to rooms that bring the outside in, Celebrity Apex is always nautical miles ahead. Explore MoreExplore More Celebrity Edge® Celebrity Edge changes the game—with reinvented verandas that put more room in your room and different restaurants to try every night. Exp...
名人至極號 (Celebrity Apex) - 悠閒旅程 在船上,您可以無際的海景開展每一天,名人遊輪首創的Edge Stateroom with Infinite Veranda將露台與房間連接,完全打開露台門後,艙房的空間感大大增加,旅客可在私密的時光享受海風吹送。在用膳時間,船上設有4間主餐廳及多間特色餐廳任君選擇,包括Raw on 5海鮮餐廳、Le Gr...
内舱房、海景房、阳台房,多种房型选择,满足您的不同需求。 - Celebrity Apex:Fort Lauderdale出发,体验东加勒比航线的魅力。圣诞航线和新年航线,让您在喜庆的氛围中度过难忘的假期。 - Celebrity Beyond:从Fort Lauderdale再次启航,探索南加勒比海和东加勒比海的美丽。10晚或7晚的行程,让您充分感受海上的浪漫与自由。
Celebrity Apexfeatures all of the next-level contemporary design elements that have made the Edge Series ships the industry’s “it” ships. Adding to this, the second-in-class ship amplifies the heralded onboard experience of the Edge Series with brand new offerings, such asa new bar called...
Celebrity Apex 拥有 29 家餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆和休息室…… 新船还有一个名人第一:Craft Social Bar,一个精酿啤酒和运动酒吧。 但是,如果您更喜欢鸡尾酒,那就去马提尼酒吧吧,它位于船的中心,在 Grand Plaza 的 LED 枝形吊灯的照耀下。 或者尝试一下伊甸酒吧,这是游轮七家特色餐厅之一伊甸餐厅的延伸鸡尾酒吧...
Celebrity Apex Naming Ceremony EPK Download Video For editorial use only. NTSC HD Share This Related Videos A Long Awaited Celebration: Celebrity Cruises Names Reshma Saujani Godmother ofCelebrity Apex Celebrity Apex Aerial B Roll 4K Celebrity ApexB-roll Interior...
顶级邮轮名人巅峰号 Celebrity Apex 即将下水,高级邮轮岗位招聘开启! 皇家加勒比旗下品牌皇家加勒比邮轮公司RCCL旗下拥有以下几个品牌: 皇家加勒比国际邮轮Royal Caribbean International、名人邮轮Celebrity Cruises(主打高端市场)、精钻会邮轮Azamara Club Cruises(主打高端市场,更多Over Night,港口过夜)、普尔曼邮轮Pullmantur(...
Celebrity Cruises拥有多条热门航线,供乘客根据自己的喜好和需求进行选择: Celebrity Infinity:这条航线从雅典或巴塞罗那出发,乘客可以畅游东地中海或西地中海。7晚或12晚的行程中,乘客将有机会领略到地中海的独特风光和丰富文化。 Celebrity Apex:从Fort Lauderdale出发的东加勒比航线,是Celebr...
Celebrity Apex (2021) Celebrity Beyond (2022) Celebrity Ascent (2023) An additional Edge Class ship is planned for Celebrity. The fifth Edge Class ship, Celebrity Xcel, is set to launch in 2025. Solstice Class With a capacity of 2,850 passengers and gross tonnage of 122,000, Celebrity’s...