Primarily known as an actor early in his career, John Cassavetes would later be regarded as one of the most daring and influential filmmakers of the 20th Century, attributed by many as the artist who shaped the current definition of independent film. As a young performer, Cassavetes found his...
Who are the most famous Libertarian celebs? This list of Libertarians in Hollywood highlights some well-known Libertarian celebrities, actors, and musicians, ...
Alright stop laughing for a second so you can take a minute to remember those who have be affected by breast cancer, whether it be you, a loved one, a friend, celebrity… Here are a few celebrities who have been hit with the cancer, yet were strong enough to combat the intruder! Chri...
The morning of Sept. 11, Patti Austin, who was meant to be en route to perform at a concert in Hollywood, had a ticket to board United Airlines Flight 93. However, her mother had a stroke in San Francisco, so she updated her itinerary. ...
ABOVE: The above felt like the below: BELOW:Keep reading for Trump's war on his own people, Leo Woodall's queer character, the loathsome gay billionaire in Trump's Cabinet and more... Read More Jan242025 Perfectly Naked + Trump vs. FEMA + Black Nazi Inspired By Candace Owens + History...
In this romantic drama directed by Ang Lee, Ledger played a Wyoming ranch hand who falls in love with a fellow cowboy (played by Jake Gyllenhaal). Ledger’s sensitive portrayal of the character earned him anAcademy Awardnomination for Best Actor. ...
Sometimes billionaires are created amid a boom of new technology, like Mark Zuckerberg, who harnessed social media to become the richest person in California. The distribution of billionaires and other super-rich individuals isn't evenly distributed; plenty more live on the coast than the Midwest,...
Mr. Stooker Is the only magician in the world who offers this exclusive service worldwide. Things you may want to know Where does the Millionaire Magician perform? Mr. Stooker performs at land, at sea and even high in the sky on private jets! WIn fact: where Mr. Stooker is asked...
Who Saw Her Die? (1972) -- Nicoletta ElmiWho Will Love My Children? (1983) -- Tracey Gold / Soleil Moon FryeWhoever Slew Auntie Roo (1971) -- Chloe FranksWhy Not Snow White While You're At It (2009) -- Pauline Scoupe-Fournier...
This is always one of the most fascinating questions, and I absolutely love seeing your interesting responses. Just completely curious about who y’all would...