Amelia Earhart was a world renowned pilot who attempted to complete the first circumnavigation of the world by a woman in an airplane. However, it was during the longest leg of her flight on July 2, 1937 that she, her plane and navigator Frederick Noonan went missing. They were declared lo...
Within a few days after the story hit the media, Stahl emerged from a downtown Los Angeles crack house saying he was fine and that he'd gone into a 30-day inpatient rehab program. That wasn't the end of the drama, however; in June of 2012, Stahl went missing yet again. He apparen...
Furthermore, she has been involved with Women for Women International, an organization that supports female survivors of war. Judd's passion for social justice issues and her commitment to making a difference have made her a prominent figure not just in Hollywood but also in the realm o...
headmitted to sleeping with studentswho were attending an acting school he previously ran. “It’s such a powerful drug,” he said. “I got hooked on it for 20 more years. The insidious part of that is that I stayed sober from alcohol all that...
These are the celebrities that have not fared so well, whether they spent their fortune recklessly or took bad advice from their financial advisor – now, they can no longer afford to live like they once did. Tori Spelling The daughter of legendary television ...
Perry continued to struggle with feelings of insecurity, tellingGQthat he ended many relationships because he was afraid that getting dumped would send him on a downward spiral. "There's 10 women on the face of the planet that I would kill to be married to. Who I've gone out with and ...
“Everything in (the car) was either made in 1934, or recreated using techniques and materials that Bucky would have had access to in that period.” * * * Meanwhile, At The Tracks… If Fuller’s attempt at the streamlined future was a bit of bust, the Burlington railroad was making a...
TheSons of Anarchyactor died at the age of 52 years old on April 21 due to causes that have yet been disclosed. He was 52. Shirley Knight Imeh Akpanudosen, Getty Images Shirley Knight TheSweet Bird of Youthactress died of natural causes on April 22. She was 83. ...
With that said, there are quite a lot of celebrities who have earned some pretty impressive college degrees that have nothing to do with their chosen career paths. Some of these Hollywood stars may even be considered scholars. Shutterstock Read on to see what your favorite...
When it comes to vegan celebrities, it’s fair to say that Hollywood actor Woody Harrelson was way ahead of the curve! TheHunger Gamesstar is passionate about animals and the environment and has been vegan for over 30 years. Many vegan celebrities have credited Harrelson with turning them vega...