On June 19, 1865, federal troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas to establish Union authority and ensure that the 250K enslaved black people were given their freedom. The day was celebrated one year later by the freed people as “Jubilee Day,” and later became known as Juneteenth. In De...
Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated remembrance of the ending of slavery in the United States. Two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, on June 19, 1865, Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that ...
The day became known as “Juneteenth,” a holiday still celebrated today in black communities across the United States.Yet more than 150 years after slavery, black wealth still lags centuries behind white wealth. A report by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) found that it would take ...
Juneteenth (19th of June, 1865) is one of the most important days celebrated by the African American community in the United States of America. For it was on this day, 19th of June in the year 1865 that a majority of slaves were informed that they were free. However, they were inform...
“You know how at Christmas people will say ‘Merry Christmas’ to each other and not even know each other?” Freeman said. “You can get a ‘Merry Christmas’ from everybody. This is the same way.” Here isa list of events happening in Lafayette to celebrate Juneteenththanks toThe Cur...
To honor Juneteenth this year, Microsoft's Daniel_Ikem sat down with Stemuli’s Taylor Shead & Naomi Thomas to hear their story and partner journey. About Taylor: Taylor Shead is the Founder & CEO of Stemuli and is the 94th Black woman in history to have raised over $1M in ventu...
We will host our second annual Cadence Pridefest, welcome a guest speaker, and learn about the history of Juneteenth over delicious food and refreshments. August: Our partners, Out in Tech, will join us at our corporate headquarters in San Jose for a panel event to discuss allyship ...
Close to two dozen major law firms have announced work holidays June 19—known as Juneteenth—to commemorate the end of U.S. slavery and to encourage employees to reflect on racism. Other firms will likely follow suit this year, eager to signal their commitment to racial justice amid the ...
Greater East Austin Youth Association/Juneteenth Huston-Tillotson University Jesse Samaripa American Legion Post 331 Keep Austin Beautiful Keep Manor Beautiful Korean Scientists Engineering Association Korean-American Association of Greater Austin (KAAGA) Latinitas Manor Chamber of Commerce M...