This special issue ofStudies in Applied Mathematicsis dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor Thanasis Fokas. It contains a selection of papers that all use in some ways the ground‐breaking mathematical ideas and techniques introduc... MJ Ablowitz,J He,B Pelloni - 《Studies in Applied Math...
To celebrate her 70th birthday in some style, Welsh painter Shani Rhys James is the subject of a new exhibition bringing together many of her major artworks from her much applauded career. The show, to be hosted by London’s prestigious Connaught Brown Gallery, will allow contemplation of work...
With this special issue we would like to pay tribute to Professor Lech Czerniak in honour of his 70th birthday. The academic career of the jubilarian has been a source of inspiration and new ideas for three generations of researchers and specialists involved in the field of archaeology. L. Cz...
The article reports that rhesus macaque Julie will be celebrating her 21st birthday in December 2016 at the animal sanctuary Cleveland Armory Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Texas. Topics covered include the history of Julie who spend about half of her life in a laboratory used for biomedical re...