Na melanżu - Celebrate good times 0 56 词汇卡 VocApp 开始学习 下载mp3 打印 玩 检查自己 问题 答案 podchmielony Nie byliśmy pijani tylko podchmieleni. merry We weren't drunk we were just merry. rzucać na kolana Ona rzuca wszystkich na kolana w swoim nowym stroju. to ...
As with Launchpad, Inredibox lets you record and share you “mix” which is a very good way to describe the ensuing work. You can download an mp3, but there is also a sharing platform at Incredibox dot com which acts almost like a social network for the app’s users. You can hear ...
The stars are made with an almost 100% likeness so it is as good as seeing them for real. Even though there are so many ‘people’ there, I’d never felt more alone. I was there by myself so there’s no one to take photos of me with the stars! Even if I did ask someone to...