Students enrolled in Foundation Science B: Chemistry (CELEN040) are required to complete andsubmittheir assignmentson Moodlewithin a specified time frame. Task 1: GroupDiscussion and Submission Task 2: Individual Peer Review and Comments Dea...
11 March 10.00- 19 April 16.00 Credit:2 How to claim credits: Pass the quiz 100%, take a screenshot of your quiz result and present it during your personal tutorial meeting. Please note if you already had your personal tutorial meeti...
If you’re a regular here, you know that I grew up as a military brat. My adoptive father served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, and I was around for the last 15 of those years. As a result, I spent a fair chunk of my childhood living on islands — specifically Oahu, Crete ...