其实price ceiling同price floor都系 *** 既一d policy,目的系预防d supplier set 太高或太低价钱,做成不公平既情况,可以保障d buyers, workers。例如't set price ceiling房屋租金(rent)、set price floor系菲律宾工人既最底工资。price ceiling,好处,正如上面讲,可以保障d buyers, workers,ren...
price floor 价格下限是政府或是集体价格管制或是限制价格的方式,限制某一商品的价格需高于价格下限。一个有效的价格下限需大于均衡价格。价格下限可以设定低于自由市场的均衡价格,像右侧第一个图中的绿色虚线就是低于均衡价格的价格下限。但此情形下的价格下限是无效的,市场可以接受的价格高于价格下限。一...
In the graph below, the equilibrium price for stereo amplifiers立体声放大器is assumed to be $200. The floor on the price set by the manufacturer(厂商)is $300. The price is not allowed to fall below $300. At this floor price, the quantity demanded is 500,000 and the quantity supplied ...
The price ceiling and price floor 1.The price ceiling Price ceiling is a price which lower than the equilibrium's price. In general, government set a price ceiling to protect customers. But it happens in many situations (1)Protect customers from buying necessities Sometimes, including developing...
根据小民译的曼昆的经济学大概是这个意思,供需平衡中产品价格的的上限和下限,通常由政府规定,防止出现供需不平,导致。。。(初中经济生活里有讲,曼昆也有讲) 老了,曼昆的宏观和微观的经济学才看过一年,就忘了,还是翻书找的,惭愧
解析 Equilibrium price is based on balance between demand and supply,so if demand is larger than supply,the price shall increase,somehow,to the price ceiling. 结果一 题目 有关price ceiling & price floor 的英文微观经济选择题 . Which of the following statements is true if the government places...
Price Ceiling vs. Price Floor A price floor is the opposite of a price ceiling. It sets a minimum purchase cost for a product or service. Also known as price support, it represents the lowest legal amount at which a good or service can be sold and still function within the traditionalsup...
boost the supplier’s profit. If the demand is elastic, a rise in price in the form of a floor price will lead to a drop in the demand. This, in turn, would reduce the supplier’s profit. So, the government must consider the product’s price elasticity when setting the floor price....
1) Ceiling ( floor ) price 最高(低)价格2) bottom price 最低价格 1. The learning rate for solar PV modules of China using learning curve model was estimated under differ- ent bottom price scenarios, and the relation between learning rate and bottom prices was investigated. 用学习曲线模型...
4.price ceiling and floor PriceControls--Priceceilingandfloor ©2007ThomsonSouth-Western Supply,Demand,andGovernmentPolicies •Inafree,unregulatedmarketsystem,marketforcesestablishequilibriumpricesandexchangequantities.•Whileequilibriumconditionsmaybeefficient,itmaybetruethatnoteveryoneissatisfied.•Oneoftheroles...