< Constitution >The rafter (1) with concatenated tool (2) on the furring strip (3) directMaking exchange being concatenated structure because it locks, the aforementioned rafter(1) top has the person in charge lock part (11a) the slot (12) which length directionTo be formed, aforementioned ...
I am planning to insulate an unvented cathedral ceiling in southern Vermont. The ceiling/roof is new construction with 2x10 rafters spaced 12 inches on center. My plan is to cut polyiso foam board to the appropriate width and apply it in the joist bays I can get kraft paper faced polyis...
Where height restrictions will not permit the use of the Attic Insulation Shield, an enclosure from the attic joist to the roof joist will be sufficient. All chimney enclosures must maintain the required minimum air space clearance of 2" (50mm) to the chimney. ...