捷克轨道交通装备企业-斯柯达交通技术集团5月14日发布消息称从跨国工业集团VINCI旗下成员VINCI Energies手中收购了聚焦电气业务的轨道交通装备企业Cegelec 100%的股份。此次收购将使斯柯达集团能够扩大其产品组合,为各种轨道交通车辆提供更多关键系统、零部件及服务。 Cegelec公司将以新名称Electric Componentsas继续在斯柯达集团...
CEGELEC 工程、交付件、产品和系统、培训、认证 2010年,Cegelec的业务部门加入了VINCI Energies,从而带来了他们在自动化、仪器仪表和控制、气候和电气工程方面的**知识。 在VINCI Energies内部,Cegelec业务部门提供了集团的大部分**知识,并提供为公司和公共机构提供技术服深圳市科电远扬科技有限公司可为您提供CEGELEC等欧...
申请/注册号:1197107申请日期:1996-10-09国际分类:第09类-科学仪器商标申请人:万喜能源公司;VINCIENERGIES办理/代理机构:北京天平专利商标代理有限公司 CEGELEC商标注册申请 申请/注册号:36940532申请日期:2019-03-19国际分类:第37类-建筑修理商标申请人:湖南网建工程股份有限公司办理/代理机构:湖南专信知识产权代理有限...
VINCI‑CERT’s technical role on behalf of the whole VINCI Group is to identify and close down such internet accounts, independently of any legal actions taken by VINCI Group subsidiaries. If you have been in contact with any of these fraudsters, we recommend that you report the attempted ...
Cegelec Network and Security Systems (CNSS) is a business unit subsidiary of VINCI Energies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a prime focus on the implementation of physical security systems projects. CNSS is a physical security systems integrator and is active in providing security, telecommunica...
The article reports on the plan of the Vinci to acquire Cegelec, a French electrical engineering group, from Qatari Diar in an all-share deal in France. It states that the business agreement requires Vince to put up 31.5 million of its shares to be made up of new and treasury shares. ...
A subsidiary of VINCI Energies, an international group with a turnover of €9 billion and 64,000 employees, Cegelec Défense has consolidated its reputation among clients and partners as a major player, designer and integrator in the fields of defence and security. ...
Business: robot ADD.: san fernando de henares, madrid,spain Info: contact:agustin goes martin / business unit manager,actemium is part of the energy branch of grupo vinci, one of the top private groups in the field of construction and concessions. it has been present in the spanish ...
捷克轨道交通装备企业-斯柯达交通技术集团5月14日发布消息称从跨国工业集团VINCI旗下成员VINCI Energies手中收购了聚焦电气业务的轨道交通装备企业Cegelec 100%的股份。此次收购将使斯柯达集团能够扩大其产品组合,为各种轨道交通车辆提供更多关键系统、零部件及服务。