CEFR C1-C2 The Vocabulary Files Students Book 共2本PDF CEFR C1-C2 The Vocabulary Files Students Book 共2本PDF CEFR C1-C2 The Vocabulary Files Students Book 共2本PDF
The depth of vocabulary knowledge and tasks such as collocation, semantic meaning, and word formation are not stated in the document. Other than the description of vocabulary size, the domains, situations and topics relevant to vocabulary use are not stated in the CECR wordlist. The CECR is ...
ket-vocabulary-list.pdf ket-vocabulary-list 上传者:m0_59336714时间:2021-07-09 eki-cefr:Õpetajatetööriistad Ekilex工具 该项目是使用版本8.0.1生成的。 开发服务器 为开发服务器运行ng serve 。 导航到http://localhost:4200/ 。 如果您更改任何源文件,该应用程序将自动重新加载。 代码脚手架 运行...