The CEFR is based on all these achievements and has developed a description of the process of mastering an unknown language by type of competence and sub-competence, using descriptors for each competence or sub-competence, on which we shall not go into further detail here. These descriptors were...
CEFR level为欧洲共同语言参考标准水平,一共分为6个等级。A1,A2为基础水平;B1,B2为独立运用;C1,C2 熟练运用。想要高分通过雅思考试?推荐来阿卡索学习:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取免费欧美一对一外教课,还可以帮助各位免费测试英语水平。如果要报班的话,价格肯定要合适。阿卡索外教网...
CEFR Level是指欧洲共同语言参考框架(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)中的语言水平等级。这个框架是欧洲理事会制定的一套用于评估和描述语言能力的标准,旨在促进语言教学和学习的国际标准化。CEFR将语言能力分为六个级别,分别是:A1级:初级(入门级)A2级:初级(基础级)B1级:...
CEFR A2级对应体现是level 1,这时候词汇量大概在2500左右,这个等级大概是我们国内中考的水平,可以读懂一些简单的小短文、小故事,或者是那种特别简单的科技文。CEFR A2的评级水平就是能进行一些日常的对话,就比如说我能跟别人聊一下天气或者说一些学习学习上的事、自己的爱好、聊一些环境基本已经有这些能力了。语...
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is a recommended guideline used to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages.Level Level name Description A1Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and can interact in a simple way, provided the Beginner other ...
A2 level exams At this level you can do theKEYandPTE General level 1practice exams You can also get an A2 certificate if you do well enough in thePTE Academic, a multi-level exam. A2 level practice This web site contains practice tests at A2 level forreading,grammarandvocabulary....
初级英语水平,高中水平。CEFR A2是最基础的,考试内容包括写作,听力,口语三部分内容。剑桥英语五级证书考试(剑桥大学考试委员会称之为主体系列考试,Main Suite Examinations,缩略为MSE),是英国剑桥大学考试委员会根据欧洲委员会制定的语言教学大纲设计的英语作为外国语的五级系列考试。该证书由于其考试的...
A2 elementary The B Levels: Independent User B1 Intermediate B2 Upper-Intermediate The C Levels: Proficient User C1 Advanced C2 ProficiencyCommon European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR): what are they? Why are they important? How to test your level in Italian? CEFR Levels In the ...
The descriptors specify progressive mastery of each skill, which is graded on a six-level scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). 【笔者翻译:CEFR 于 2001 年推出,其标志着一个重大转折点,因为它可以被改编而在多种语境中被使用,以及其可以被应用于所有语言。CEFR 是在这些成就的基础上,根据能力和子...