which is graded on a six-level scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).【
CEFR Level A1技能说明 四、雅思成绩对应的CEFR IELTS对应CEFR 各类考试对接CEFR情况 IELTS&TOEFL 对接CEFR具体关系 IELTS&TOEFL算是对接CEFR最有名的两大全球性考试了,忍不住吐槽一下,TOEFL 满分竟然才到C1 Advanced而到不了C2 Proficient也是醉了!不过转念思考,CEFR是衡量英语实际应用能力的,托福更偏学术性,必备的...
A1 beginners A2 elementary The B Levels: Independent User B1 Intermediate B2 Upper-Intermediate The C Levels: Proficient User C1 Advanced C2 ProficiencyCommon European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR): what are they? Why are they important? How to test your level in Italian? CEFR Lev...
A1:Beginner level A2:Elementary level B1:Intermediate level B2:Upper Intermediate level C1:Advanced level C2:Proficient level CEFR TEST The CEFR Test has a total of six levels where the language proficiency of a candidate is evaluated. Sample Test ...
A1、A2 级别的英语使用者被定义为Basic user,相当于入门和基础水平。 B1、B2 级别的英语使用者被定义为Independent user,相当于提高水平。 C1、C2 级别的英语使用者被定义为Proficient user,相当于高级和专业水平。 CEFR、托福、雅思、剑桥通用五级难度比对如下: ...
The descriptors specify progressive mastery of each skill, which is graded on a six-level scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). 【笔者翻译:CEFR 于 2001 年推出,其标志着一个重大转折点,因为它可以被改编而在多种语境中被使用,以及其可以被应用于所有语言。CEFR 是在这些成就的基础上,根据能力和子...
There are six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. These are described in the table below. Click here to see which exams are at which CEFR levels. Click here to do a test to see which level to study at and here to see what grammar you should know at each level. This page in...
If you’re not sure about your level, you’ll have the opportunity to take our CEFR level test. CEFR language proficiency levels at a glance A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 A1 I can introduce myself, as well as ask and answer simple personal and direct questions. ...
A1| Breakthrough or beginner An A1 level CEFR grade means the language user can use everyday expressions and basic phrases. They can interact very simply. People communicating them should keep it simple, be clear and be willing to help. A2| Waystage or elementary An A2 level means the use...
3. CEFR和托福、雅思等标准化考试都有相对应的关系,孩子参加考试前,家长能够有针对性地依照目前的学习进度,对孩子的考试成绩做个预估。以雅思成绩为例,CEFR水平在A1、A2级别的,雅思成绩在4分以下,B1级别对应的则是4到5分,如果能达到C2级别,相对应的雅思成...