Hi there, couple things to check first, the logs your trying to get to sentinel, do they reach the collector? you can check by doing a tcpdump most likely on port 514 unless your using another port. if you dont recieve any logs over tcp then its most likely not the sentinel...
Gold... the object associated with wealth, safety, security and our new president! Even though gold has been the investment of choice for those concerned with inflation protection and the fiat economies, over the past year or so, gold has been overshadowed by the new "shinny" talk of the ...
Sociologist & Writer: Gendered harm: FGM & CEFM; Gender & Science; Patriarchy; Regeneration & Sustainability/Environment . https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6684-2740
In Britain, where we hear a lot of talk about austerity, the national debt has, thanks to the financial crisis, general spending on an ageing population and the impact of the pandemic, risen from less than £700 billion in 2007 to...
2024中国自动化大会将于2024年11月1-3日在青岛举行,大会将为全球自动化、信息与智能科学领域的专家学者和产业界的同仁提供展示创新成果、展望未来发展的高端学术平台,加强不同学科领域的交叉融合,引领自动化、信息与智能科学与技术的发展。 本...
The resolution, titled "Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence", was spearheaded by China and co-sponsored by more than 140 countries. As the UN's first-of-its-kind resolution on AI cooperation, it embodies the core principles of the Global AI Governance...
- [Forum](https://forum.strapi.io/) - Place to discuss, ask questions and find answers, show your Strapi project and get feedback or just talk with other Community members. - [Awesome Strapi](https://github.com/strapi/awesome-strapi) - A curated list of awesome things related to ...
//techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/s/gxcuf89792/images/cmstNC05WEo0blc\"}"},"rankStyle":"OUTLINE"},"User:user:239761":{"__typename":"User","id":"user:239761","uid":239761,"login":"Alp Babayigit","deleted":false,"avatar":{"__typename":"UserAvatar","url":"h...
Michael Campbell, the Nicaraguan ambassador to China, said it was clear that talent is the primary resource for development. China's advanced manufacturing and robust infrastructure capabilities stem from these remarkable technical experts. Developing countries not only need infrastructure construction, but...
1. [细说ReactiveCocoa 的冷信号与热信号(一) (William Zang)](https://weekly.manong.io/bounce?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftech.meituan.com%2Ftalk-about-reactivecocoas-cold-signal-and-hot-signal-part-1.html%3Fhmsr%3Dtoutiao.io%26utm_medium%3Dtoutiao.io%26utm_source%3Dtoutiao.io&ai...