历奇为本辅导 (Adventure Based Counseling)简称历奇辅导,是美国历奇计划 (Project Adventure)延续德国教育家汉恩(Kurt Hahn)的外展训练(Outward Bound)精神创立的专有模式。历奇辅导是透过一系列精心设计的历奇活动,导师循序渐进地介入,让参与者处于一个既陌生新奇...
Programming 编程 College Counseling 升学规划 RAK Kindness 德育/World Class 世界课堂 Afterschool Program 课后课项目 高中课程设置 招生计划 身份要求: 只招收外籍或港澳台学生。 申请人的父母至少其中一方为外籍(持外国护照或永久居住证)或港澳台居民。 如申请...
Factors predicting EC use, including male partner and relationship factors, may not always be evident to a clinician, so it is important to include EC as part of routine counseling. 展开 关键词: Emergency contraception male partner relationships power dynamics ...
Consequently, great care should be taken when providing parental counseling, using all the diagnostic methods and algorithms available.doi:10.1016/j.pog.2011.05.007Mónica Novelle GarcíaAlfonso Bermejo de la CalzadaBeatriz Herrero RuízRoberto Rodríguez González...
Guidelines for counseling persons infected with human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) and type II (HTLV-II) The human T-lymphotropic viruses type I (HTLV-I) and type II (HTLV-II) are closely related but distinct retroviruses that can infect humans. They differ fr... RF Khabbaz,K ...
counseling['kaunsəliŋ]n.咨询服务 negotiation[ni,gəuʃi'eiʃən]n.谈判,协商 attorney[ə'tə:ni]n.(美)律师,代理人 prosecutor['prɔsikju:tə]n.检察官 litigation[,liti'geiʃən]n.诉讼 discrimination[dis,krimi'neiʃənn.歧视 institution[,insti'tju:ʃən]n....
pre-hospital counseling instructions, rehabilitation etc. and provides network technology support, database maintenance and operation services for tertiary medical system.E-techco Group has a first-rate international team, including chief Chinese scientists headed by academician Yao Jian-...
Evidence for the Effects of HIV Antibody Counseling and Testing on Risk Behaviors The authors reviewed published abstracts journal articles and presentations for evidence of the effects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody coun... Higgins,L Donna - 《Jama the Journal of the American ...
心理学者 Worden 在《Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy》中写道,哀悼者需要根据个人关系、文化背景和情感表达方式,找到适合自己的哀伤处理途径。个性化的支持能让丧亲者在安全的空间中释放痛苦情绪,同时逐步重建与逝者之间的内在连接。 个性化支持是帮助哀悼者的...
The pediatrician should be attentive to various potential psychosocial difficulties, offer counseling or refer for counseling when necessary and ensure that every sexually active youth receives a thorough medical history, physical examination, immunizations, appropriate laboratory tests, and counseling about ...