必应词典为您提供Cedar-Sinai-Medical-Center的释义,网络释义: 西奈山医学中心;悉达席奈医学中心;达席奈医疗中心;
Shibata, Hiroki (Los Angeles, CA) Application Number: 09/145391 Publication Date: 02/27/2001 Filing Date: 09/01/1998 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Cedard-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles, CA) Primary...
The couple, who met on a blind date in the early '90s, were philanthropists and collectively donated millions to Mount Sinai Medical Center and the Stanford Children's Hospital. #12. Rob Walton Ethan Miller // Getty Images #12. Rob Walton - Estimated net worth: $56.7 billion - Age: 78...
We present the first single-center report of 2 consecutive cases of combined heart and kidney transplantation after insertion of a total artificial heart (TAH). Both patients had advanced heart failure and developed dialysis-dependent renal failure after implantation of the TAH. The 2 patients ...