Welcome to Cedar Ridge Health and Rehab Center, By providing genuine hometown care; treating our guests, their loved ones, and our staff as family; and integrating our care center into our community; we aspire to actualize our mission of excellence in care....
I am so happy and confident in our family’s decision to choose West Ridge Care Center for our mother. The health and safety of the West Ridge Care Center’s residents and staff has always been their number one priority, especially over the last several months of dealing with the pandemic...
Providechoices:createneighborhoodidentity:pingandentertainment,andencourageinteraction.thesesmall Afarmer’smarketsupportstheActiveneighborhoodcenter“nodes”ofhigher-densitydevelopment(likelyincludingmixed- localeconomy(washingtonsquare,newYorkcity)usebuildings)willfosterastrongsenseofplacebyfocusingon andrecognizingeachneig...