The hollow post of the solar lights just slide over them and stay in place. ReplyMaryJo W. says: October 16, 2024 at 8:39 pm My husband did a similar project but used log rounds from our neighbors tree that came crashing down taking out both our side and back fence plus some ...
Rot Resistance: Regarded as excellent in resistance to both decay and insect attack, Aromatic Red Cedar is frequently used for fence posts used in direct ground contact with no pre-treating of the wood. Workability: Overall, Aromatic Red Cedar is easy to work, notwithstanding any knots or irreg...
I know this post is a few years old,But it is still just as relevant & on trend today,Then it was when You originally wrote it.I do have a few suggestions. 1st: Back when I originally learned how to DIY (About 30 years ago) I was always taught that anything being made or coated...
When buying fence pickets I try to get dry boards. I’m not super strong and wet wood is HEAVY wood. Since I most often woodwork alone, if I get the drier and lighter boards I can manipulate them much more easily. If they’re all wet (like they are stored outside and it has rain...