doi:10.14309/01.ajg.0000866660.52083.36Qureshi, Rohma MSJehangir, Asad MDShahsavari, Dariush MDGhleilib, Intisar MDSridhar, Subbaramiah MBBS, MPHYap, John Erikson L. MDWolters KluwerThe American Journal of Gastroenterology
Cecum: This first section of your large intestine looks like a pouch,about two inches long. It takes in digested liquid from the ileum and passes it on to the colon. Why is the cecum removed? This surgery is often required for patients with a stricture, fistula, or abscess in the termin...
A 49-year-old asymptomatic woman with no pertinent medical history was referred for polypectomy after screening colonoscopy identified a large sessile cecal polyp. Repeated colonoscopy was successfully performed, and a 2-cm sessile cecal polyp was completely resected by saline solution-assisted snare ...
In case of a positive fecal occult blood test, examination of the whole colon by colonoscopy should be performed colorectal cancer risk is significantly lowered by endoscopic polypectomy in patients with adenomas. After complete removal of adenomatous polyps a control colonoscopy is advised three years...
Two patients undergoing EMR had postpolypectomy syndrome. One EMR-only patient with a positive lateral margin was referred for appendectomy, but declined. No patient required ileocecectomy. Pathologic examination revealed a high rate of sessile serrated adenoma (SSA; 36%). Conclusions Our results ...
The plasty can be performed in two ways: (i) polypectomy after dilation or stricturotomy to make the intestine look better and perhaps help reduce recurrence; (ii) polypectomy before dilation or stricturotomy to facilitate the latter procedure....
The procedure could be finished after withdrawal of the endoscope and cold snare polypectomy of 3 small colonic adenomas without any adverse events. Total procedure time was 82 minutes. The patient was discharged one day after the procedure without complaints. It has been proven already that great...
How to Get Unstuck: Difficult Polypectomy Involving a Solitary Cecal GanglioneuromaVareedayah, AshleySinghal, PoojaGottlieb, KlausThe American Journal of Gastroenterology
Five patients had late rectal bleeding and two were admitted with post-polypectomy pain within 30?days of intervention. Pathology revealed 4(5%) adenocarcinomas, 33(41.2%) tubular adenomas, 30(37.8%) tubulovillous adenomas, and 5(6.2%) sessile serrated adenomas. Sixty-seven (84.5%) patients ...
Six gastroenterologists blindly reviewed the videos to determine if CR was performed and HF withdrawal time (cecum to HF time, excluding ileal/polypectomy time). Results Reviewers assessed 119 colonoscopies performed by 17 endoscopists. The median HF withdrawal time was 3 min and 46 s. CR was ...