carbon emission_factors 蓝色格表示该笔资料系直接引用IPCC2006年数据。黄色格表示该笔资料系引用IPCC2006年排放系数之95%信赖区间计算而得。绿色格表示该资料为本计划之建议值。C=A×B×(44/12)×AB1000IPCC2006年CO2IPCC2006年C燃料别碳氧排放系数排放系数化因C排放CO2排子单位单位系数放系数25.8kgC/GJ194,600...
As live score updates and matches are increasingly streamed online, the environmental burden from data centers and digital infrastructure also becomes a factor. Key Areas of Concern: Stadiums and Venues: Large stadiums require tremendous energy for lighting, air conditioning, and electronic displays. ...
eFigure 3. TCGA Database Analysis Demonstrates CEACAM5 Expression in Various Prevalent Solid Organ Malignancies, With Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Demonstrating the Highest mRNA Expression (16 Log2(Value+1)) and Melanoma Demonstrating the...
ICES Oceanographic database was provided by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Julius Glampedakis, Giorgios Chatzigeorgiou, Vasilis Gerovasileiou, Thanos Dalianis and Victoria Litsi Mizan for help in the sampling. Thanks ...
Although the use of a prospective database was an important aspect of this study’s accuracy, larger study groups are needed to achieve more meaningful results. 5. Conclusions In conclusion, this study showed that using serum and peritoneal tumor markers for the diagnosis and prognosis of gastric...
男,67岁。3年来常于感冒后发作气喘,伴咳嗽、咳痰。经抗感染及解除支气 管痉挛治疗可缓解。近半月来气喘加重,药物疗效差,20小时前再次发作哮喘,多次气雾吸入沙丁胺醇未见完全缓解。查体:端坐呼吸,口唇发绀,桶状胸,三凹征(++),两肺满布哮鸣音。对该患者,除一般治疗外,宜配合应用 ...
To meet its targets, China has set tiered provincial-level carbon emission caps for its PARMs based on factors such as their development stage, resource endowment, strategic positioning, and eco-environmental protection. It ...
The study cohort database will be linked with the Finnish Cancer Registry using cervical carcinoma in situ (CIS) and invasive cervical carcinoma (ICC) as endpoints. Assuming that the cumulative incidence of CIS and ICC over 15 years is 0.45% and that there is no loss to follow-up and ...
Such new data, supplementing previous XMM data (obtained mostly by us), would complete the XMM spectral survey of a complete sample of ULIRGs, improving our database spectral statistics by a factor of 2, and allowing us to settle the core issue of ULIRG studies, i.e. the "starburst vs....
Rapid improvement of lake acid-base status in Atlantic Canada following steep decline in precipitation acidity Policy measures resulted in reductions in acidic emission of sulfur and nitrogen in North America. Here, we conducted trend analyses on a 37-year database ... D Houle,F Augustin,S Coutu...