铝型材CE-SB3030-8(ID:968168) 设备部件/型材/铝型材CE-SB3030-8 ©非原创 27 0 0 平面图 文件列表 举报 此图纸下载需要5金币 发布者 过了夏天就立秋 创作:124508 粉丝:278 加入时间:2022-04-21 私信 关注 模型信息 图纸格式:step 文件大小:34.23KB ...
Excited states of Sb-116 were investigated using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques with the Cd-114(Li-7, 5n) reaction. About 25 new states and 35 new transitions were added into the level scheme of Sb-116. The previously known two rotational bands based on the pi g(9/2)(-1)...