解決しない場合は、HDDまたはPlayStation®4本体に問題がある可能性があります。HDDを換装している場合、別のHDDをお試しいただくか、PS4に元から付属していたHDDをご使用ください。 外部ストレージ機器でPS4データをバックアップ / 復元する方法 PS4のHDDを交換する方法 ...
Integrity check error // System internal error // Step 1: Back up your saved data using a USB...
ps4折腾版CE-34224-5如何解决 只看楼主收藏回复 李帅帅1223 默默无闻 1 ps4折腾版CE-34224-5如何解决 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-09-22 13:56回复 kigsubdk 颇具名气 6 是所有游戏还是单个游戏。所有游戏是硬盘的问题,单个游戏找其他地址下载 来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-09-22 15:54 回复 ...
1回复贴,共1页 <返回ps4吧[求助] 10.7系统 无法启动游戏 CE-34224-5吧 只看楼主收藏回复 贴吧用户_QDbW9VR 胡闹厨房 1 [求助] 10.7系统 无法启动游戏 CE-34224-5吧友们可以点开我主页看看前面的帖子,最开始到手这台机可以正常读盘玩p5r,某鱼买入全新血源老猎人碟后无法启动提示数据损毁,随后更新了系统(...
A system error has occurred. Back up your data fromSettings>Application Saved Data Management. Go toSettings>Initialisation>Initialise PS4. Restore your data. If the problem persists, there may be a problem with the HDD or the PS4 console. If your HDD has been replaced, try installing anothe...
your saved data. Step 3: If the error occurs again there may be an issue with the PS4's ...
A system error has occurred. Back up your data fromSettings>Application Saved Data Management. Go toSettings>Initialisation>Initialise PS4. Restore your data. If the problem persists, there may be a problem with the HDD or the PS4 console. If your HDD has been replaced, try installing anothe...
A system error has occurred. Back up your data fromSettings>Application Saved Data Management. Go toSettings>Initialisation>Initialise PS4. Restore your data. If the problem persists, there may be a problem with the HDD or the PS4 console. If your HDD has been replaced, try installing anothe...
A system error has occurred. Back up your data fromSettings>Application Saved Data Management. Go toSettings>Initialisation>Initialise PS4. Restore your data. If the problem persists, there may be a problem with the HDD or the PS4 console. If your HDD has been replaced, try installing anothe...
A system error has occurred. Back up your data fromSettings>Application Saved Data Management. Go toSettings>Initialisation>Initialise PS4. Restore your data. If the problem persists, there may be a problem with the HDD or the PS4 console. If your HDD has been replaced, try installing anothe...