o anumită perioadă în viitor, stabilită prin acord, de regulă de 5 ani în România. Încheierea unui APA reprezintă un pas care contribuie semnificativ la eliminarea incertitudinilor referitoare la prețurile de transfer (cel puțin pe o perio...
Conceptual Paradigma Of Public Policies On Roma. The Case Of Roma Strategy In RumaniaRomasocial inclusionracial discriminationunpopular minoritiespublic policiesFor centuries, all public policies on Roma issues were framed by two competing doctrines, the Theory of Social Incl...
Wegner (1989)'ın klinik obsesyonun gelişmesine kat- kıda bulunduğuna inandığı bu paradigma "beyaz ayı" paradigması olarak bilinmekte ve girici düşünceyi baskılamaya çalışmanın daha fazla girici düşünceye yol açarak daha fazla huzursuzlukla ...
Viešojo intelektualo samprata nėra siejama su kuria nors viena filosofijos mokykla ar paradigma, veikiau – su įvairiomis tradicijomis ir skirtingais mąstytojais. Apsiribojant moderniu laikmečiu, paminėtinos egzistencializmo, marksizmo, pra- gmatizmo, kritinės teorijos ir ...
paradigma m范例,词形变化(表) miliciano, na s民兵 ráfaga f阵风,闪光,<军>扫射 inverosímil 难以置信的,不像真的 grato, ta 令人愉快的,免费的 píldora f药丸 secundario, ria 第二位的,次要的 uniformidad f.统一性,一致性 rocío m露水,毛毛雨 misa f弥撒 pausado 不慌不忙的 bancarrota f倒闭,...
Paradigma holistică – reper metodologic în studierea competenţei profesionaleThe necessity of centring professional education on competences is a present-day problem of great concern. At present, professional competences are approached from different perspectives, each of them having as a ...
The working and financial output of the mentioned "business stars" can be thousand or ten thousand times higher than the output of a single worker.Elma ElfićOlivera MartinovićBećir Kalač
Hr. Matanov. Balkan Horizons. History, Societies, Personalities. Vol. 1. Sofia, Paradigma, 2004, 318 p.Bakalov, GeorgiHistorical Review
Magdalena Slavkova. The Roma Evangelists in Bulgaria. Sofia, Paradigma Publishing, 2007Anastassova,EkaterinaBulgarian Folklore