How to fix CE-33984-7 The connection test timed out while trying to obtain your IP address. Go to Settings > Network.Select Test Internet Connection. Restart your PlayStation®4 console and connect to the Internet using a wired connection if possible. ...
PlayStation支持服务 搜索您的错误代码或浏览下方最常见的PS4™错误代码。 需要帮助? 联系我们的支持专家 联系PlayStation 支持服务
CE-33984-7 error can be a sign that there’s an on-going issue with Sony Interactive PlayStations Network servers. This can be confirmed by either checking the PSN server status website, or by conducting a connection speed test on your PS4. If thePlayStation Network Sign-Inline saysFailed...
CE-33191-7 Insert the correct disc into the PlayStation 4 system // Application requires that the disc be inserted into the console CE-33199-5 You must update your system to version 1.06 or higher. Actual version: 1.01 If applications are running, choose [update later] and save your prog...
使用Windows PC版PlayStation Accessories应用程序,您可以更新两个控制器的固件,并直接从计算机完全自定义DualSense Edge控制器,实现完全便利。 1触觉回馈和扳机效果可能需要USB连接,并且仅在游戏支持时可用。DualSense Edge无线控制器功能键只能用于切换存储在控制器上的配置文件。 了解...
Free-to-Play-Fantasy-Spiele Entdecke wundervolle Welten Schlüpfe in die Rolle von hochgradig anpassbaren Charakteren mit faszinierenden Hintergrundgeschichten in farbenfrohen offenen Welten und Helden-Shooter-Showdowns. Honkai: Star Rail...
How to fix CE-33984-7 The connection test timed out while trying to obtain your IP address. Go toSettings>Network. SelectTest Internet Connection. Restart your PlayStation®4 console and connect to the Internet using a wired connection if possible. ...
How to fix CE-33984-7 The connection test timed out while trying to obtain your IP address. Go toSettings>Network. SelectTest Internet Connection. Restart your PlayStation®4 console and connect to the Internet using a wired connection if possible. ...
How to fix CE-33984-7 The connection test timed out while trying to obtain your IP address. Go toSettings>Network. SelectTest Internet Connection. Restart your PlayStation®4 console and connect to the Internet using a wired connection if possible. ...
How to fix CE-33984-7 The connection test timed out while trying to obtain your IP address. Go toSettings>Network. SelectTest Internet Connection. Restart your PlayStation®4 console and connect to the Internet using a wired connection if possible. ...