Error occurred while accessing the Hard Disk Drive ("HDD") or Blu-ray / DVD Drive. It looks like your console is having problems reading from the Hard Disk Drive ("HDD") or Blu-ray player, please follow the steps below: Eject the disc from the system, making sure it’s not dirty,...
CE error codes (CE-108255-1, CE-34878-0, CE-30005-8, etc.) are common crash errors on PlayStation consoles. Sometimes, you can resolve these errors by restarting the game. You can also try restarting your console. If you continue to receive the error...
Re: FIFA 23 CE-30005-8 Hey @vortexmessi,Am I right in saying that you have the disc version for PlayStation? Looking up the error code gives a small number of steps you can try: system error codes like this... As the error code is related to the PS4 itself I recommend that you follow the instructions in the link above. 🙂 let us know how it works out! /Atic...
View Code 本地库刷新没问题,但是到了线上库就出现如下异常: ### Error updating database. Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exceptionisjava.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1- Connectionisnot available, request timedou...
长度为2个字节,表示RADIUS数据包(包括Code、Identifier、Length、Authenticator和Attribute)的长度,范围从20~4096。超过Length域的字节将作为填充字符被忽略。如果接收到的包的实际长度小于Length域的值时,则包会被丢弃。(4) Authenticator域长度为16个字节,用于验证RADIUS服务器的应答报文,另外还用于用户密码的加密。
一、tomcat相应jmx配置 1.在tomcat bin目录下的catalina.sh文件中添加如下配置:这个是配置远程connection的端口号的,要确定这个端口没有被占用
Code OAMPDU报文的类型 我们称使能了以太网OAM功能的端口为“以太网OAM实体”,简称“OAM实体”。 图1-1中几类OAMPDU报文的作用如表1-2所示。 表1-2 各类OAMPDU报文的作用 报文类型 中文含义 作用 Information OAMPDU 信息OAMPDU 用于将OAM实体的状态信息(包括本地信息、远端信息和自定义信息)发给远端OAM实体,...
details on this specific error code, check the HRESULT error and also refer to the MSDN OLE DB documentation [,,,Table name,,] #define SSCE_M_INSERTFAILED 28565// The insert action failed. For more details on thisspecific error code, check theHRESULT error and also refer to the MSDN...
You may also receive a spurious error `Error authenticating Sharing-Key: Invalid sharing-key`. Provided you have entered your sharing key correctly, just ignore this for several minutes. Here is some example output with RBFeeder Version 1.0.8 (build 20220708190411) showing the aforementioned beha...