Hello everyone, DL the latest Tweaks Anthology (CDTweaks) and ran it for my BG2 game. I'm using the latest patch, not the Beta you can get early.
Ciao, ho installato Su BGIIEE prima Cdtweaks e poi Sword Coast Stratagems, attivando quasi tutte le mod possibili. Inizio la partita e Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc mi escono tutti a livello 0 oppure 1. Qualcuno ha notizia che le due mod possano creare conflitti? Cosa mi consigliate?
Small fixes to the Full Test Suite workflow: Removed Positron License from Electron tests since it’s not needed. Added missing cleanup for the License in Integration tests. QA Note: Running full...
Chinon tweaks double-speed CD-ROMs for top performanceReviews the CDX-535, CDA-535 and the CDS-535 Series computer peripheral products from Chinon America Inc. Product descriptions; Pricing; Contact i...
Portable Pressplay: Netco tweaks downloads, better CD burns. (Business).(Brief Article)Oppelaar, Justin
ribbon-studios / protontweaks-ui Public Notifications Fork 0 Star 1 Commit Permalink feat: reworked visuals of the app image cards Browse files Loading branch information cecilia-sanare committed Mar 7, 2024 1 parent bc7c7b7 commit 721cd85 Showing 4 changed files with 26 additions...