体外实验表明,在808 nmNIR照射下,IR825作为光热转换剂用于PTT,还可热致将O2转化为1O2,用于PDT.细胞实验表明,NPs通过CD44受体介导的主动靶向性进入肿瘤细胞,并富集在肿瘤组织内.CA激发胞内NADPH氧化酶的表达提升胞内H2O2水平,而H2O2又通过Fc催化反应生成高细胞毒性的·OH.Fc-BE部分中的芳基硼酸酯与H2O2作用,产生QM...
The in vitro results show that the Fe3O4@TiO2/DOX nanoplatforms exhibited good biocompatibility as well as synergetic effects against tumours in combination with CDT/PDT/PTT/chemotherapy.doi:10.3390/nano14060498Zhao, BoHu, XiuliChen, LuWu, Xin...
Meanwhile, the porphyrin-like metalcenter in the FeNC@PAA nanoparticles could be used as a photosensitizerfor photodynamic therapy (PDT) of tumors, which could be enhancedby O2 generated in CDT. Furthermore, the FeNC@PAA nanoparticleswere also found to be effective in photothermal therapy (PTT) ...