september 23, 2018 i own the original version the conduit. it is the best pack i have ever owned. it held up through a 7 day through hike of the wind rivers. a solo trip from glacier park to wyoming through montana. a month long safari in africa and this has held up. i have had...
起点:Crazy Cook Route, 比其他两个起点走的人更多,有惟一的南端纪念碑; 终点:Waterton Lake @Glacier, 有唯一的北端纪念碑。 第二步:提前邮寄 vs. 沿途购买? 因为CDT变数大,而且我自选的路线也有很多不确定因素,所以我这次主要依靠沿途购买。 有人会问:CDT进城买东西这么难,给自己寄包裹到步道周边,会不会更...
and hopefully, if all goes well, finishing at Waterton Lake in Glacier National Park in August or early September before the snow starts to fly. For me this is a dream 20 years in the making. After completing my first thru-hike in 1996 when I hiked the Appalachian Trail, I have dreamed...
第十天今天是我们在East Glacier的最后一天,也是又一次的休息日。为了好好享受这难得的悠闲时光,晚上我和住在hostel的朋友们一起挤上了Will叔叔的面包车,一辆车里挤了十四个人,真是热闹非凡。我们去了当地的集市,People’s Market,那里有一些小吃摊位和工艺品摊位。作为一个徒步者,我当然是被小吃摊位吸引住了。之前...
Amazon S3 bucket policies for lifecycle management and versioning will be applied for data backup to Amazon Glacier and revisions. InterVision also assisted CDT with provisioning a 10G Direct Connect circuit at an Equinix SV5 datacenter and peering with their private MPLS provider. This path facilitat...
2011.03.08 Frostsorrow Glacier 1.67.0, by Duke Ragereaver 2012.03.27 The Middle 1.4.2, by Thaos 2012.08.21 Vassago 1.29.0, by Duke Ragereaver 2012.10.21 Summoner's Wrath 1.0.0, by Metal Gear Rex 2013.04.10 Songbrook 1.0.0, by Shuffles 2014.03.24 Rockhearth 8.1.0, by darkkingkongman...