All over the world, Daylight Saving Time is now used in over seventy countries and the changes affect over one billion people every year. The exact dates of moving the clocks forward and backward change from country to country, but generally, it occurs in the months of March in the spring...
As hard as this has been for me, I know I’m not alone in having all my plans blow up in front of me in a very short period of time. The silver lining for now is, all my family and friends have remained healthy in this crisis thus far. Hopefully, there’s another day for me...
As such, "because the production was not allowed to cross into East Berlin, an exact replica of the wall from the eastern point of view had to be built just a few feet in front of the west side". Blooper When leaving the DDR by foot the border guard asks Jonathon "What was your ...
Juan: I've been here a long time. I'm from Cuba. Lotta black folks in Cuba. You wouldn't know that from being here, though. I was a wild little shorty, man. Just like you. Running around with no shoes on, when the moon was out. This one time, I ran by this old... this...
The submarine pen where the player must destroy a prototype German submarine is an exact replica of the pens in the film "Raiders of the Lost Ark". गूफ़ The troops depicted at Arzew in the game are German troops, when in reality the soldiers that the Rangers faced were Vichy Frenc...