HANA CDS vs. ABAP CDS 我最开始在学习CDS的时候,在搜索引擎搜索相关的信息时,经常会看到HANA相关的资料,里面的语句似乎和ABAP半毛钱关系没有,于是觉得这东西太复杂,就放弃了。后来了解到,原来CDS只是个服务统称,在应用中,分为HANA CDS和ABAP CDS。两者的基本设计目的和架构大致相同,但作为ABAPer,我们实际上更多...
为了利用SAP HANA进行应用程序开发,SAP引入了一个新的基础数据建模,称为核心数据服务(CDS)。使用CDS,数据模型是在数据库服务器上定义和使用的,而不是在应用程序服务器上。CDS还提供了超越传统数据建模工具的功能,包括对概念建模和关系定义、内置函数和扩展的支持。 最初,CDS仅在SAP HANA的设计时和运行时环境中可用。
Virtuelles Datenmodell und CDS-Views in SAP S/4HANA VDM-Schichten und View-Typen Namenskonventionen im virtuellen Datenmodell Stabilitätskontrakte für CDS-Views Unterstützte Funktionen für CDS-Views Extrahieren von Daten über CDS-Views nach SAP BW/...
1.HANA STUDIO 连接ABAP 开发 2.HANA STUDIO如何创建ABAP CDS Hello everyone in this ABAP on HANA tutorial you will learn how to create ABAP CDS Views on HANA. The abbreviation for CDS isCore Data Services. To know about ABAP CDS click here. 1.Prerequisites You have installed Eclipse IDE( Ke...
SAP S/4HANA, the next generation business suite, is also based on CDS in the form of the virtual data model (VDM). This course covers CDS views in depth and will equip the course participants with necessary knowledge required to use CDS view in their projects. ...
This tutorial gives the brief explanation on how to build CDS (Core Data Services) Views in ABAP on SAP HANA and also how to display it on ABAP List Viewer (ALV). CDS (Core Data Services) is a collection of domain-specific languages and services which ar
database views, data types by wrapping the according native HANA SQL statements and enriching them with semantical properties. From an ABAP programmer's point of view, one might say: Well, OK, there's a source code based dictionary tool directly on the HANA database. But that would be too...
Test CDS views used in this blog How to do performance analysis using HANA studio planviz All weird performance behaviors get clarified 1. different product ID leads to greatly different performance result 2. select vs select distinct 3. Performance Gap between ST05 trace and the planViz opened ...
How to Create ABAP CDS Views with Input Parameters on SAP HANA and how to input parameter and consume ABAP Core Data Services View on SAP HANA. The new enhanced version of ABAP CDS is delivered with SP 8 of ABAP application server 7.4.
How to create ABAP CDS Views with Parameters-验证成功 1.说明: 此例子在HANA STUDIO创建一个带参数的CDS,并创建一个ABAP 的程序,使用此带参数的CDS,显示到ALV中。解决如下问题: 1.如何创建带参数的CDS; 2.在程序中如何使用带参数的CDS; 2.一、创建带参数CDS...