(3) Consume the created table function in CDS view @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'zcpartner'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter:true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck:#CHECK@EndUserText.label:'partner detail'defineviewZ_c_partnerasselectfromcrmd_orderadm_hinnerjoincrmd_linkas_linkoncrmd_orderadm_h.guid...
Let’s try to resolve one real issue now. What we want to achieve is: in CRM we need a CDS view which returns the service order guid together with its Sold-to Party information, “Title” ( Mr. ) and “Name” ( blGMOUTH ). The title and Name information are stored on table BUT0...
(3) Consume the created table function in CDS view @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zcpartner'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK@EndUserText.label: 'partner detail'define view Z_c_partner as select from crmd_orderadm_hinner join crmd_link as _link o...
(3) Consume the created table function in CDS view @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'zcpartner'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter:true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck:#CHECK@EndUserText.label:'partner detail'defineviewZ_c_partnerasselectfromcrmd_orderadm_hinnerjoincrmd_linkas_linkoncrmd_orderadm_h.guid...
SQL_VIEWOP: SELECT,只读访问。 点击Publish Locally: 创建一个新的 Communication System,取名 SQL_ACCESS: 给其分配一个新建的 Communication User. 稍后我们在 Excel 里使用 ODBC 读取 CDS View 数据时,会要求输入该用户的访问密码。 最后,创建 Communication Arrangement,把生成的 Service URL 即下图黄色高亮区域...
With ABAP release 7.55, a new type of CDS view is available: in official terminology, it's called CDS view entity . And it has come to replace the "classic"
Please note that the created table function in step1 could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the could be used in consuming view.(4) Test the whole solution Click F8 on ...
Solved: Hi CDS experts, I'm learning CDS views and facing a strange issue. Created CDS views on a few tables joined, and it worked fine. However when I tried to create a
Hi, When I open a CDS view (in eclipse) I can see where it gets its data (other cds views and tables). I am actually more interested to know in what views a table is
1. Create a new table function 2. Create a new AMDP implementation 3. Consume the created table function in CDS view 4. Test the whole solution Part1 - how to test odata