template 2: Define View with Join Defines a CDS view which combines two data sources using a left outer join. The join conditions are specified in the on clause. */@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'$sql_view_name'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter:true@AbapCatalog.preserveKey:true@AccessControl.autho...
首先在 CDS view 视图里,加上下面这行注解: @Metadata.allowExtensions: true 右键菜单选择 Source Code -> Extract Metadata Extension: 这会创建一个新的 ABAP 开发对象,专门用于存储 CDS view 的注解元数据: 选择Next,自动解析出原 CDS view 里目前为止已经添加了的注解元数据: Metadata.layer 的值,选择成默...
Below is the logic for CDS views: I have divided above CDS logic into 6 block (A to F). Below is the explanation of these blocks: A block: These are the annotations automatically generated when you select theDefile Viewtemplate during CDS views definition. As shown in below snap shot: B...
If you are new with CDS views, please check my previous tutorialHow to Create CDS View in SAP HANA Studio. In that tutorial, follow the steps until you select the CDS view template. Because we will use the templateDefine View with Parametersfor this tutorial. As you will see from the te...
右键选中该 package,创建一个新的 Consumption view. 该视图是一个消费视图,它基于业务对象 (BO) 视图 /DMO/I_TRAVEL_U,提供了独立于消费层的给定数据模型。 它包含在其上运行的应用程序所需的所有核心信息。 消费视图是定义在 BO 视图之上的 CDS 视图,用于: ...
我们可以将 CDS view 视图里的注解,单独维护到一个开发对象里。 首先在 CDS view 视图里,加上下面这行注解: @Metadata.allowExtensions: true 右键菜单选择 Source Code -> Extract Metadata Extension: 这会创建一个新的 ABAP 开发对象,专门用于存储 CDS view 的注解元数据: ...
使用ABAP Development Tool Content Assistant 快捷键,可以迅速将标准视图 /DMO/I_Ttravel_U 的所有字段,通过菜单 Insert all elements(template),带入到当前的消费视图里: 选择Open with Data Preview,即可查看该消费视图的数据: 数据显示如下: 下一步,将 CDS 视图公开为业务服务。 这将允许我们在 Fiori Elements...
Finally, choose Use template then choose Define view entity with To-Parent Association. Then choose Finish. Your CDS entity appears in a new editor. We will fix the errors now. Change the @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: to #NOT_REQUIRED. Done Step 11 Specify hierarchy Add the following to...
(1) Most of the effort could be the CDS view implementation. Those views are responsible to return necessary data to UI frontend. (2) The corresponding OData service is automatically generated when you activated your CDS view. (3) Then you can use WebIDE Smart template generation wizard to ...
Here is the documentation of CDS view in SAP help (4) You need to havesome basic knowledge on UI5 Smart template. This is documentation in SAP help: Developing Apps with Smart Templates Implementation steps The overall development process would be: (1) Most of the effort could be the CDS...