可能的值:[ELEMENT,PARAMETER] 通过注释Semantics.currencyCode,该字段被标记为包含货币代码。这可以是ISO代码或SAP货币代码(数据类型CUKY)。 注释@ Semantics.amount.currencyCode将字段标识为包含货币金额,并且相应的货币代码包含在引用的字段中。 在我以前的文章中,我详细介绍了CDS中的货币换算。您可以在此处检查。
Yes, as a developer, you can now parameterize your CDS views. It means you can define one general views which produce context-specific result sets by using parameter values passed at execution time. This means that you do no longer need to create a view for each context! For example: Lang...
label: 'CDS view entity, simple types' define view entity DEMO_CDS_SIMPLE_TYPE_USAGE with parameters p1 : demo_simple_type as select from demo_expressions { key id as Id, num1 as Num1, char1, $parameters.p1 as Parameter1, cast( char2 as demo_simple_type_de ) as cast_bt } ...
在这里主要介绍SAPUI5使用的SAP后台ODATA的源码,此ODATA主要使用CDS创建,其它SAPUI5源码参看这里。1.创建CDS在HANA Studio上创建CDS上创建需要登陆的CDS,设想是从创建订单的按计划收货行EKET汇总出计划收货数量、已收货数据,所以第一步的CDS:ZMM_B_GR_EKET先取出需要收货的EKET数据。
Hi Gurus, I would needing yours expert suggestion for following problem: 1. I've created on CDS View with Input Parameter; 2. Then I created the Service in SEGW t-code
Consumption.semanticObject Assignment of semantics Element Parameter Table Function View Global Consumption.valueHelp Assignment of an input help Element Parameter GlobalDataAging-Annotations Annotation Meaning Scope Framework DataAging.noAgingRestriction Data aging on SAP HANA, specifies how old data is handl...
Support for locale "en_US_x_saprigi" Parameter rows in ql API function limit can be omitted for remote services, e.g. SELECT.limit(undefined, 5) New OData parser supports $filter with "in" operator, e.g. $filter=ID in (1,2,3) cds build copies package.json and .cdsrc.json into...
AnalyticsDetails.query.hidden Element Boolean - true - - RELEASED_FOR_KEY_USER_APPS RELEASED_FOR_SAP_CLOUD_PLATFORM AnalyticsDetails.query.hierarchyBinding[ ].type Element String(12) #CONSTANT #ELEMENT #PARAMETER #SYSTEM_FIELD #USER_INPUT - - - RELEASED_FOR_KEY_USER_APPS RELEASED_FOR_SAP_CLOUD...
If you want to use dates table function in CDS views you have created using SAP HANA Studio instad of using in ABAP OpenSQL queries, following CDS view can be an example. Please note that I've added the table function parameters as parameters of the CDS view (parametric CDS viewparameter...
Moreover, the elec- tron mobility in CdS is typically in the range 1–10 cm2 V s−1, similar to reported values for TiO234–38. A primary Energy Safety Research Institute (ESRI), Swansea University Bay Campus, Swansea, SA1 8EN, UK. Correspondence and requests for materials should...