A CDS view ‘View_R’ contains a ‘not NULL-preserving’ calculated field ‘fldR’. A calculation is not NULL-preserving, if the calculation result cannot be NULL even if the input value is NULL. Examples are the COALESCE( arg1, arg 2) statement and the CASE statement: casewhenattr1like...
In this example data records will be filtered based onuser nameaccessing CDS view. Conclusion of Part 1:we considered standard demo examples with different options, let’s try to create our own CDS view with access control. ___ Part II. Create a simple example based on PFCG authorizations 1...
For each CDS view we have to define an access control using DCL. For the demonstration cases I'm using S/4HANA 1610 on NW 7.51. There are 5 parts in this post: Part I. Standard demo access control examples Part II. Create a simple example based on PFCG authorizations Part III. ...
视图类型:基础视图 视图代码: 点击查看代码 @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'IMEASPOINTDATA' @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK @EndUserText.label:'Measuring Point Data' @VDM.viewType: #COMPOSITE @ClientHandling.algorithm: #SESSION_VARIABLE ...
2) You can try using ABAP CDS cast expressions follow the examples in the LINK for better understanding. 3) You can always use the AMDP concepts, try using CDS with table functions. This will serve the purpose as it covers wide range of syntaxes. Regards! Reply juryrychko Explorer ...
3 Structure Examples 4 Security Considerations 5 Appendix A: Product Behavior 6 Change Tracking 7 Index 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 2.4.513 BrtEndPCDSDTCSets 项目 2019/02/15 ...
for keys containing spaces using the dot-notation seems to vary between libraries. SQL 4 CDS is using the Newtonsoft JSON library which requires the use of the bracket notation in this case - see https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/QueryJsonSelectTokenEscaped.htm for further examples. ...
Discover Bank, however, offers a range of other financial services beyond just credit cards, including online deposit account options.Discover Minimum opening deposit: $0 Term lengthAPY 1-year CD 4.10% 3-year CD 3.50% 5-year CD 3.40% View offer at Discover Eligibility Customers can open a...
The BrtEndPCDSRange record specifies the properties of the source data (section for a PivotCache (section