@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'ZCDS_ON_ASSOC1'defineviewzcds_on_assocwithparametersairport:S_FROMAIRPasselectfromzcds_assoc2ascds2{cds2.carrid,cds2.connid,cds2.airportfrom,cds2._sair.name,-- useinnerjoin...bydefaultassociationusesleftouterjoincds2._sfli.planetype}wherecds2.airportfrom=:airport ...
Associations can be used to model relationships between CDS entities that can be accessed simply using path expressions in CDS views or in Open SQL.When a CDS view is activated, a join defined by an association is built for every use in a path expression and not for the definition of the...
There’s no DDIC view. The annotation@AbapCatalog.sqlViewNameis not required and each view has only one name. Please note that the name of the annotation is a bit misleading. Of course, a view entity has an SQL view on the database, but now the intermediate DDIC view is not needed a...
2. ABAP SQL & CDSView Entity支持正则语法的场景 ## 3. 用法 LIKE_REGEXPR 取工厂为纯数字的数据(ABAP SQL) SELECT * FROM marc WHERE LIKE_REGEXPR( PCRE = '[0-9]{4}',VALUE = werks,CASE_SENSITIVE = ' ' ) = 1 into TABLE @DATA(lt_marc). OCCURRENCES _REGEXPR取"0"出现了3次的工厂(...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_STRFUNC' @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED define view demo_cds_sql_functions_string as select from demo_expressions { length( char1 ) as r_length, instr( char1, 'CD' ) as r_instr, ...
When there are multiple elements with path expressions used in the PFCG condition and the ALL quantifier is used, then the following requirement is enforced: For each pair of involved path expressions, the substring from the beginning up to but not including the last component name are either eq...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_STRFUNC' @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED define view demo_cds_sql_functions_string as select from demo_expressions { length( char1 ) as r_length, instr( char1, 'CD' ) as r_instr, ...
If an association is published using apath expressionin theSELECT listof the currentSELECT statement, the following can use it in their path expressions: OtherCDS views Open SQL statements can use it in their path expressions. When a CDS view is activated with path expressions, every association...
$search: exclude calculated fields/expressions from default search in projection of projections Immutable properties are always removed from payload during UPDATE serviceinfo.urlPath contains the first endpoint of the service (cf. srv.endpoints), which is the legacy path if cds.env.features.serve_on...
1.3 Overview The synchronization engine creates an integrated view of objects that are stored in multiple, connected data sources, and manages information in those data sources. This integrated view is determined by the information retrieved from connected data sources and a set of rules that ...