使用SAP CDS view SQL Function 将视图某些字段进行合并 这位朋友试过了: concat_with_space这个方法尝试过了。语法本身没问题,但需求没得到解决,目前需求是cds view里如何将抽取到的九个字符串用下划线进行拼接,并且这九个字符串任何一个为空的话则不显示这个字符和它前后的下划线。我尝试用concat和case when连用但...
使用SAP CDS view SQL Function 将视图某些字段进行合并 这位朋友试过了: concat_with_space这个方法尝试过了。语法本身没问题,但需求没得到解决,目前需求是cds view里如何将抽取到的九个字符串用下划线进行拼接,并且这九个字符串任何一个为空的话则不显示这个字符和它前后的下划线。我尝试用concat和case when连用但...
when语句中可以是逻辑表达式运行效果: 7. CAST表达式用途:强制类型转换语法: @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDEMO_CDS_SQL' @AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true define view ZDEMO_CDS_DDL as select from sbook { key carrid, key connid, forcurkey, forcuram as origin_amount, case smoker when 'X' then ...
View products (1) Hello *, I want to compare two timestamps in a CDS view and derive a result. However, the comparison does not seem to work. What am I doing wrong? is the comparison even possible? case when FinishDateAsTimestamp < DueDateAsTimestamp then 'C' // SLA complied ...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zmara_cds' @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK @EndUserText.label: 'Redirect ZCOMM_PRODUCT to MARA' define view Zp_Mara_Redirect as select from mara { mara.matnr as PRODUCT_ID, case when (mara.mtart = 'HAWA' or ...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'ZSALESORDERS'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter:true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck:#CHECK@EndUserText.label:'Sales Order Information'defineviewZSalesOrdersasselectfromvbak {keyvbak.vbeln,vbak.erdat,vbak.status,COALESCE(vbak.status,CASEWHENvbak.erdat<='20230730'THEN'已...
Material Base Unit of Measure = ‘CV’ (Case) Alternate Unit of measure maintained in material master are: ‘PC’ (Piece) & ‘PAL’(Pallet). Entries in MARM table: In CDS view, quantity will be fetched from database table & then it will check if the Unit of measure in which quantity...
}//定义View,查询MyContext2.SimpleAssociations路径,括号中定义查询字段view AddressView as select from MyContext2.SimpleAssociations.Address{ id, street.name, street.number };//表达式,计算+,-,*,/,||连接操作,case when操作view CalView as select from test{ ...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zmara_cds' @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK @EndUserText.label: 'Redirect ZCOMM_PRODUCT to MARA' define view Zp_Mara_Redirect as select from mara { mara.matnr as PRODUCT_ID, case when (mara.mtart = 'HAWA' or ...
casewhenvalidto =''then'00000000' elsevalidtoendasvalidto, @UI.hidden:true //@UI.lineItem.position: 520 @DefaultAggregation: #MAX 1ascounter } If you want ValueHelp in the List report filters to select the Prompts, then you need to implement the associations in the CDS view as mentioned...