If this is identical switch on the expensive statement trace for both cases and try to see, if there is anything visible as a difference. Jerry的分析 - Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2017 09:01 Subject: RE: have a quick discussion about why the CDS view has a bad performance displayed in ...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'zjerrySQL0309'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter:true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck:#CHECK@EndUserText.label:'test 233'@ObjectModel:{createEnabled,deleteEnabled,updateEnabled}defineviewZjerrytest20160309asselectfromspfliassociation[0..1]toscarras_scarron_scarr.carrid=spfli.c...
From the code, it is very clear that the parse output, view definition in ABAP format is used to generate ABAP database view. There is also another approach which can allow you to get a clearer view: Open the “ABAP Communication Log” view: Switch on Logging: Then make some dummy chan...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zjerrySQL0309'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK@EndUserText.label: 'test 233'@ObjectModel: { createEnabled, deleteEnabled, updateEnabled}define view Zjerrytest20160309as select from spfli association [0..1] to scarr as _...
And create a project in tcode SEGW, import the first CDS view via context menu: After that the project looks like below: Generate runtime artifacts and register the odata service via tcode/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE. Now the odata service is ready for testing. ...
In this part, I will introduce how to test the OData service generated based on my CDS view via Chrome extension – postman. Prerequisite I have created two simple CDS views. They are: @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'z20160310'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck...
In the definition of the CurrencyCodeUSD view element, replace the CAST expression with the input parameter. HintUse code-completion to access the parameter. Adjust the code as follows: Code Snippet Copy codeSwitch to dark mode 1234 // cast( 'USD' as /dmo/currency_code ) as Cu...
There is also another approach which can allow you to get a clearer view: Open the "ABAP Communication Log" view: Switch on Logging: Then make some dummy change on your view, then you can observe the following six requests sent to ABAP backend. ...
Or you can also use Postman, in this case you have to paste the absolute url with host name and port number, both of which could be found in gateway client response, as marked by the black rectangle above. Read operation test The url I am using is: ...
Switch to the Authorization tab and add a new Authorization object: S_SQL_VIEW Maintain the corresponding values for the three fields of the Authorization object. SQL_SCHEMA must contain the name of the service binding that we want to grant access to. In this case, uppercase symbols are fine...