Check for null valuesoperand1 is nulloperand2 is not null 算术运算 我们可以有加法、减法、乘法、除法,除此之外还有一个否定运算符。case indicator when 'Credit' then amount when 'Debit' then -amount end as DueAmount 聚合函数 聚合函数评估来自源的多个记录并返回聚合,例如总数、计数。
26,009 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, In a CDS View how can I use the Case statement to validade a field that is not retrieved from an outer join? Here follows the example: How can I verigy if ekbe_mseg.belnr is empty? Thank you. case.png 6 KB Reply...
A CDS view ‘View_R’ contains a ‘not NULL-preserving’ calculated field ‘fldR’. A calculation is not NULL-preserving, if the calculation result cannot be NULL even if the input value is NULL. Examples are the COALESCE( arg1, arg 2) statement and the CASE statement: case when attr1...
The value#AUTOMATEDexpands the joins of the CDS view implicitly as shown in the following table. In the case of outer joins, cross-client sides are made into client-specific sides artificially using cross joins, which avoids NULL values. This applies to joins specified directly usingJOINand to...
In case an Open SQL statementSELECTis access such a parameterized view or a view that contains such a view as data source, but the accessed database system does not support them, a non-handleable exception of the class CX_SY_SQL_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE is raised. ...
In the case of inner and outer joins, the parentheses can be specified wherever the ON conditions specify parentheses implicitly.There is no limit on the number of join expressions in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in the DDL, but there is an ATC check that produces a message once a ...
MAX, MIN, AVG,SUM, COUNT Aggregate expressions in aSELECTstatement+, -, *, / Arithmetic expressions in aSELECTstatementCASE, WHEN,THEN,ELSE,ENDCase distinctions in aSELECTstatement CAST Casting expression in aSELECTstatement=, <>, <, >, <=, >=,BETWEEN,LIKE,ISNULL,NOT,AND,ORRelational exp...
is.dataFormat.array is.nullable The attribute value may be set to NULL. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.array InterestCode First included in: AccountsReceivable/CustInterestCdsEntity (this entity) Properties NameValue dataFormatstring
is.dataFormat.big is.dataFormat.array is.nullable The attribute value may be set to NULL. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.array ExternalInvoiceId First included in: AccountsReceivable/FreeTextInvoiceLineCDSEntity (this entity) Properties ...
the NUMC data type may not be filled correctly, or currency data may not be moved correctly. The database session variables can only be set correctly when the view is accessed from the ABAP system. If you directly use the underlying SQL statement to query, this bypasses the ABAP-level secu...