如上图:定义和实现一个CDS table function。 注意:实现AMDP的方法名,只能在一个CDS table function中指定。(1对1关系) 示例:Table function定义 下面,我们通过DDL语法定义了一个CDS Table Function——TAB_FUNCTION_EXAMPLE 。这个表函数声明了两个输入参数clnt(带有预定义值:#CLIENT)和carrid。以及提供实现表函数...
如上图:定义和实现一个CDS table function。 注意:实现AMDP的方法名,只能在一个CDS table function中指定。(1对1关系) 示例:Table function定义 下面,我们通过DDL语法定义了一个CDS Table Function——TAB_FUNCTION_EXAMPLE。这个表函数声明了两个输入参数clnt(带有预定义值:#CLIENT)和carrid。以及提供实现表函数的...
Table Function Implementation The public ABAP class (AMDP class) in this example provides the AMDP methodget_flights, which serves as the implementation of thetable function tab_function_example. As with any other AMDP class,cl_example_amdpmust implement the marker interfaceIF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB. Th...
(1) Create a new table function @ClientDependent:true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck:#NOT_REQUIREDdefinetablefunctionztf_BP_DETAILwithparameters@Environment.systemField:#CLIENTclnt:abap.clntreturns{client:s_mandt;partner_guid:BU_PARTNER_GUID;partset_guid:CRMT_OBJECT_GUID;partner_no:CRMT_PARTNER_NO;...
Please note that the created table function in step1 could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the current client id 001 into it. The fields defined as the returning parameter...
Below are the performance results and this is just an example as I have not compared like to like records but still i can see improved response time on CDS Table Function using 'WITH' Clause. Try it out and feel free to ask any questions. ...
(1) Create a new table function @ClientDependent: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED define table function ztf_BP_DETAIL with parameters @Environment.systemField: #CLIENT clnt:abap.clnt returns { client:s_mandt; partner_guid:BU_PARTNER_GUID; ...
First dates table function will returns a fixed number of dates that is defined with an input parameter starting from an other input date parameter. For example, 10 dates starting from '01.01.2018', etc. I will name this function as GetNDatesStartingFrom (for Get N Dates Starting From) ...
Of course, a real CDS table function would do more HANA specific things (e.g. wrapping a HANA function) than a simple join as shown in the simple example here! A join you can code also in Open SQL or in a CDS View. Speaking about Open SQL, last but not least, the usage of our...
CDS Table Functions Implemented by AMDP shown in the simple example here! Ajoinyou can code also in Open SQL or in aCDSView. Speaking about...) ##db_feature_mode[amdp_table_function]. Not different to an access of aCDSviewwith parameters. ...