Male and female defence aspirants who were waiting to join the Officers Training Academy (OTA) Chennai can now apply for the CDS 2 2023 to join the OTA Chennai for the 120th SSC (Men) (NT) and 34th SSC Women (NT) course commencing in October 2024. UPSC released the CDS 2 2023 Exami...
In summary, size dependent CdS nanoflowers for visible light responsive hydrogen generation and Rhodamine B dye degradation were synthesized by solvothermal method by adjusting the reaction time and solvent mixture. It showed the CdS nanoflowers of larger size showed an enhancement in catalytic activity....
02月17日 经zha,王yi新丧shi理想xin念,bei弃初xin使命,结交zheng治骗zi,对kang组织shen查;wei背组zhi原则,隐瞒bu报家ting房产qing况,zai组织tan话时bu如实shuo明问ti,违gui选拔ren用干bu并收shou财物;违规shou受礼jin,接shou私营qi业主di价装xiu,利yong职权wei特定guan系人mou取利yi,搞quan色、...