Cell lines withCDS1expression log2(TPM+1) < 1 were annotated as low-expressors, and the rest were annotated as high-expressors. Single group data were assessed using Student'sttest.Results:We identifiedCDS2,which encodes enzymes that maintain phosphoinositide levels during PLC signalling, to be...
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CdSe/CdS量子点荧光探针检测Cu2+ 汪登鹏ꎬ高㊀锋ꎬ藤田澧久 (广西大学资源环境与材料学院ꎬ南宁530000)摘㊀要:采用液相反应法在水介质中合成巯基乙酸封端的CdSe/CdS核壳结构量子点ꎬ基于Cu2+对量子点荧光的猝灭效应ꎬ以CdSe/CdS核壳量子点为荧光探针定量检测水...
中华医学会糖尿病学分会 (CDS) 第二十五次全国学术会议于2023年11月22~25日在湖北省武汉市盛大召开,会议期间,北京医院·国家老年医学中心郭立新教授分享了其担任首席研究者的DONATE研究及事后分析最新结果。结果显示,以达格列净或达格列净联合二甲双胍为基础的降糖方案在中国2型糖尿病患者中均具有良好的安全性。该研...
The experimental results revealed that the highest power conversion efficiency of a 3 layer porous-nanowall CdS/MB device was about 0.47%.doi:10.1155/2023/7998917Hussain, Abdullah A.Abdulelah, HaiderAmteghy, Ali H.Dheyab, Raed A.Hamdan AlMulla, Ban...
It was predicted that FoxO1 interacted closely with adipose growth and development regulatory proteins AKT1, AKT2, AKT3, SIRT1, PRKACA, CDK2 and MAPK8. Phylogenetic tree results showed that bovine FoxO1 was evolutionarily conserved and had the highest homology with cl...