[19]AlfayezOM, AlmohammedOA, AlkheziOS, et al. Indirect comparison of glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonists regarding cardiovascular safety and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: network meta-analysis[J]. Cardiovasc Diabetol, 2020, 19(1):96. [20]Effects of Semaglutide on...
T2DM患者合并心肾风险或心肾疾病,SGLT2i和二甲双胍是国内外权威指南中推荐的初始联合治疗之一。2023 AACE指南推荐二甲双胍为一线降糖治疗药物;2023 ADA指南提出针对T2DM心肾风险管理均明确将SGLT2i作为口服治疗的一线选择。 参考文献: [1]Guo L, Wang J, Li L, Yuan L, Chen S, Wang H, Li T, Qi L, ...
While the former analysis finds no causal relationship among the variables, the latter analysis deduces a significant causality. The Bootstrap TY asymmetric causality test findings discover causality arising from the negative shocks from political risk to CDS premium. T...
使用光密度计(CEL-NP2000-2)测量光强. 采样间隔为24 h. 靛酚蓝比色法测定反应器中氨态氮的浓度变化. 乙炔还原法测定P. stutzeri-CdS的固氮酶活性. 具体步骤为: 取上述样品, 将顶空置换为含1%的乙炔和99%的氦气后, 进行光照实验. GC(GC-2014, 岛津)测定顶空乙炔和乙烯的含量. GC条件为: 检测器为火焰...
Financial Crises and Information Transfer - An Empirical Analysis of the Lead-Lag Relationship between Equity and CDS iTraxx Indices. Social Science Research, 1-28.Stenfan E., Gurtler M., and Olboeter S. (2010). “Financial Crises and Information Transfer-An Empirical Analysis of the Lead-...
Analysis of electrical, optical, and structural behaviour of nanostructured CdS thin films for photosensing devicesCdSSpin-coatingPhoto-sensingCdS thin films were prepared sol–gel spin coating methodology. The prepared CdS thin films were annealed, and various characterizations were performed to study ...
Computational analysis of CdS monolayer nanosheets for gas-sensing applicationsdoi:10.1140/epjb/s10051-023-00601-3GAS detectorsGAS absorption & adsorptionCHEMICAL propertiesNANOSTRUCTURED materialsDIELECTRIC functionMONOMOLECULAR filmsThe pollution of the atmospheric environment has...
According to AFM, HRTEM images, and XRD data, it is established that the formation of an LBF from CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dots is accompanied by a structural transition from sphalerite to dominant wurtzite close packing, which is in qualitative agreement with the results from combinatorial geometry ...
By adopting van Leeuwen (2005)'s integrationist model of conducting interdisciplinary research, the present case conducts an analysis of PR concepts used in the CDS journal article abstracts during 2000 and 2020, with three terms of "image", "stakeholder", and "strategy" as a case study. It...
Beijing Key Laboratory for Separation and Analysis in Biomedicine and Pharmaceuticals, School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, ChinaKexin ZhaoBeijing Key Laboratory for Separation and Analysis in Biomedicine and Pharmaceuticals, School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of ...