The UPSC conducts the CDS exam two times in a year, CDS 1 and CDS 2. The CDS 2 exam 2024 is scheduled for 2nd September 2024. The CDS 2 question paper 2024 will be updated here for the candidates to cownlaod for all the sets. The Combined Defence ...
Unless you hold the jumbo CD in a tax-advantaged account (such as a Roth IRA), you’re likely to owe taxes on interest income. Typically, interest income is taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. Be sure to look for IRS Form 1099-INT at the end of every calendar year.About...
The results showed that the ZnO/ZnS/CZTS/Mo solar cell is the better option, outperforming the CdS/CZTS/Mo solar cell in terms of short-circuit current density Jsc, open-circuit voltage Voc, form factor FF, and photovoltaic efficiency 畏. The study also investigated the ef...