and often had me in stitches when he inserted one into an otherwise serious discussion. He was passionate about everything he did, not only his dual professions, but also special projects that he took on including being the Treasurer (!) for a health relief non-profit that was caring for ...
$$ \sigma = \frac{L}{RA} $$ (1) where L is the thickness of the sample (cm), A is the area of the electrode (cm2) and R is the resistance (Ω). Results and discussion XRD and TEM analysis Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 show the XRD patterns for the glass samples (40 Na2O–...
October 1, 2013 Effective October 1st, 2013, The Association of Banks in Singapore will discontinue publishing the 2MO, 9MO and 1Y tenor SOR rates for the SGD currency. As a result of this change, Interest Rate Curves for SGD that are published on
(7), where E[RI] represents the expected value. A higher ARI value indicates that the clustering result is more consistent with the actual situation. Accuracy of the estimated number of cell clusters Both CDSKNN and the three comparative methods offer streamlined approaches that do not require ...
3. Results and discussion 3.1. UV-visible absorption study The optical absorption and bandgap measurements of the nanoparticles were made from the diffuse reflectance spectra of ZnS, CdS and CuS NPs and the results are shown in Fig. 1(a). The band gap property of the synthesized catalysts was...
In line with our previous result, we find again a clear difference between downgrades of IG and SG countries. For downgrades of investment grade EU countries, realized volatility of German CDS increases in the 5-day before the rating announcements and starts to decrease after the release. By ...
Scheme 1 e Preparation process of CdS-CoSx. 27798 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 7 7 9 5 e2 7 8 0 5 Results and discussion Material structure characterizations Fig. 1A shows that pure ...
The purity of the CdS surface is belied, however, by the relative areas of the Cd 3d and S 2p peaks: the measured Cd/S atomic ratio of 1.42 is significantly higher than the expected value of unity, indicating the presence of other Cd-containing compounds. Indeed, the form of the O 1...
visible light source of 300 W Xe lamp with 420 nm cutoff filter and 300 W tungsten light for 1 h. The Hg lamp with 300 W was the light source for Pt/TiO2catalyst. As expected, increased Ni2P loading resulted in increased photoactivity. Ni2P served as an active centre for the ...
The remainder of this study proceeds as follows. Section 2 provides a discussion of the literature. Section 3 describes, within each of its subsections, the CDS data, stationarity tests and the explanatory variables that are used. Section 4 discusses the quantile regression method for each of th...