(RESULT) UPSC COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES EXAMINATION (I) 2019 1.The following are the lists, in order of merit of 129(82+44+03) candidates who have qualified on the basis of the results of the Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2019 conducted by the Union Public Service Commission ...
Resolved by: Click the Order a lab link within the alert to order a Gaucher Disease Enzyme Assay (Glucocerebrosidase) and record the result. Fabry Disease This patient has clinical markers that are considered at risk for Fabry disease. Consider ordering a GLA Gene Mutation Analysis to confirm th...
As many aspirants who will be clearing the CDS 1 2023 written exam for the Indian Military Academy IMA, Air Force Academy AFA, Indian Naval Academy INA, and Officers Training Academy OTA course will be waiting for their SSB interview dates, the result for CDS 1 2023 was declared in Novembe...